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Clubs & Programs

Clubs & Programs

Gifted Education

The gifted education program at Ruppel Academy provides educational services to students who have been identified through a state evaluation as being academically gifted and who demonstrate the potential for exceptional academic achievement. The goal of the gifted program is to challenge, support, and inspire gifted students through differentiated, accelerated, compacted and enrichment learning opportunities designed to meet their unique academic, social and emotional needs.

Talented Education Program

The talent education program (TEP) provides educational services to students who have been identified through a state evaluation as being talented in the areas of theatre, music and visual arts and have the potential for exceptional artistry and performing arts achievement. The goal of TEP is to challenge, support and inspire talented students through differentiated, accelerated, compacted and enrichment learning opportunities designed to meet their unique academic, social and emotional needs.

The support and appraisal department identifies students who are eligible for TEP. A student must be referred, screened and evaluated before entering the program. Once a student has been identified an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is implemented and instruction services initiated.

Talented Theatre

  • Performance Skills: Improvisation, characterization, vocal development, stage movement, acting styles and methods
  • Theatre History: Greek and Roman theatre, medieval theatrical forms, Renaissance theatre and Shakespeare, modern forms, and absurdist theatre
  • Analysis and Criticism: Play analysis, dramatic theory, interpretive reading, and dramatic forms
  • Theatre Production: Directing, scene design, stagecraft, and stage management
  • Theatre Business: Current professional theatre practices, organization and management funding, and marketing and publicity.


Talented Music

  • Theory and Analysis: Sight singing, rhythm, melodic dictation, harmonic dictation, stylistic form and analysis
  • Music History: Major musical periods, composers, styles and forms
  • Creative Activities: Improvisation, arranging, composition
  • Aesthetic Perception and Performance: Technical facility, varied music styles, musical expression, evaluation of performances
  • Music business: Current music occupations, funding, marketing, publicity, recording and publishing, and computer music


Talented Visual Arts

  • Aesthetic Development: Essential art elements, principles of design, respect for commonalities and differences in art; art as expressions of ideas, feelings, and culture
  • Art History: Styles, periods, movements, simplified chronology, outstanding artists
  • Analysis and Criticism: Observe, describe, analyze, interpret, and make critical judgments of artwork
  • Creative Expression: Develop creative problem solving skills in “art making;” experience a variety of media—-drawing, painting, graphic design, printmaking, mixed media, sculpture, photography, and architecture



Membership in the Ruppel Academy Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is an honor bestowed on 7th or 8th grade students who demonstrate outstanding scholarship including a 4.5 grade point average and  A’s and B’s in all classes. They display positive moral character, leadership and a willingness to serve others. Membership is by invitation only and all candidates must pass a faculty review.


Library Club

Members of the Ruppel Academy Library Club assist in maintaining the library by shelving books, helping with the return of checked out books, maintaining computers, and assisting with inventory.  Club members commit to serving one day a week during lunch. This is a commitment that the library relies on in order to ensure that all of the required services will be provided to the entire school. These students perform a truly valuable service that benefits everyone.